Disclaimer: If you are a spelling/grammar/punctuation freakazoid, this is probably not the best place for you to be, as I will be prone to frustrating you to the point of killing somebody *big evil grin*.

Sep 5, 2007

it's called customer service jackass

it's not called customer twenty questions, or customer lets sell you something, just ... say it with me... serrrrrvice... when I call you to tell you that something you gave me is fucked and you need to give me a new one... don't put me on hold to ask your fucking manager if you are authorized to then try and sell me a new one... fuck you... if I had wanted to BUY a new one... I would have taken my goddamn ass to the store and just bought a new one... but ya know... I figured since I was paying you every month for a service you provide, that you might give me a new one without fucking charging me any money... you suck, your family sucks and I'm sure even your nanny who you can afford to pay for, because I'm fucking paying for your service, is currently sucking off your husband while you answer phone calls from people like me... who's the bitch now?

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